30 Devotionals: Status

Here is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
-Galatians 3:28

I am obsessed with status. In efforts to be humble, curious, and open, I watch myself work to be the “most” in any of these categories.

Vanity is so insidious that it can work its way into the direct intention to be less vain. It’s the same paradox that can turn healthy habits into addictions.

Balance comes through awareness, but I am hyper aware of the heirarchies I inhabit. Maintaining or improving my position in any of these is a constant distraction from my walk with Christ.

These devotionals, prayer, and a routine returning to the Word of God are the answer. There I find that we are all the same fallen creature, broken into different looking, and sounding, pieces. Our earthly heirarchies are an illusion.

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