365 Devotionals:

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.
-1 Peter 1:8

I am blessed with a love of the unseen. My earliest memories are of being in a dark cabinet, imagining mythological avatars in space battles. My father was a rebel among Jehovah’s Witnesses and fed my imagination with Norse, Eastern, and Catholic imagery along side black-and-white monster movies and classic Star Trek.

The unseen was no less real to me than the narrow spectrum of visible light. I felt the Holy Spirit out in the woods…and still do.

I thought faith in Jesus Christ was impossible for me, maybe because He appeared to me as a man who existed in the physical realm. Now I see the invisible garments that the Holy Spirit had been weaving for me. My faith feels inevitable and more comfortable than any belief I wore before.

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