365 Devotionals: Problem Solving

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I like to fix things: a wax ring gone bad on the toilet, my son’s inability to connect the PS4 to our YouTube account, or an under-the-weather girlfriend…I want to be active toward solutions.

God checks me. I can’t heal, only He can. It’s always a difficult journey when someone near me is ill. I’m plagued by the eternal questions of what I could have done differently when my wife became sick.

When I enter my girlfriend’s room and see the cold cup of tea and the exhausted restlessness of her body, I am humbled almost to paralysis.

I wonder if God’s plan includes me losing another love. I wonder what that would mean. I wonder if I could survive it again.

I have to let go of those worries. God has already entrusted me with more than I thought I could handle. I’ve come pretty far living in trust of Him.

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