365 Devotionals: Mentors

We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too.
-1 Thessalonians 2:8

I am drawn to those who demonstrate specialized knowledge. In soccer and jiu-jitsu, it’s fairly easy to identify the competitors that have a step or two on me and watch them closely. The home education community is full of people with valuable experience. They are natural leaders who mentor their children every day. When we get together, a wealth of information is exchanged.

Spiritual mentors are more challenging for me. In one respect, I desire a fellow pilgrim who inspires me to question my assumptions. On the other hand, we are fallen humans talking about a perfect God. We get a lot of it wrong and no one person alive today has the answers I need.

That’s why I return to Scripture for spirtitual mentorship. I imagine walking a dusty road with Jesus and listening as a student.

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