365 Devotionals: How I Became A Homeschool Dad

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”
-Matthew 25:21

When I became a (temporary) stay-at-home dad, God made it clear that I was aligning myself with my purpose in that time. I was far from becoming a Christian, but He was clear in steering me into intentional parenting.

I invested time, reflection, and effort into the most meaningful work I had ever done. God rewarded me with the inspiration, drive, and inhuman energy to become a home educator. My wife and I transformed our expectations, rhythms, and assumptions to fit these new responsibilities.

Fine tuning my investment energy is constant work, as new opportunities to care for my self, my sons, my loved ones, and my community arise and draw me near.

There was a lot of self care this week. Four nights of soccer and a return to yoga have my clothes washer full of sweat equity.

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