Screw the Children

LEGO Stops Shipments of LEGO Products to Russia

I guess starving children isn’t enough?

Are Russian children not deserving of toys any longer? That doesn’t sound like a toy company treating children like humans.

What do they expect, that Lego-loving ten-year-olds will take up arms against the government?

Okay, my boys might do that, but that’s merely coincidental to their love of Lego.

The statement is more foolish than the headline. Lego is claiming supply disruptions as the reason to stop shipping to Russia, but apparently war-torn Ukraine is not disprupted.

Who is hurt most by a devalued ruble? Who is hurt when toys are withheld? Sanctions hurt the vulnerable the most. The world is playing political games with real lives.

We’ve been antagonizing a nuclear power for going on 30 years. Listen to the Scott Horton speech I posted: Scott Horton on Russia-Ukraine History.

Of course Russia shouldn’t aggress against a neighbor, but this didn’t come out of nowhere and the warnings have been there since Bush, Sr. and the end of the Cold War.