Reset : Return : Breathe

I don’t remember ever spending 12 hours in bed before. My sons have been fighting each other, and me, for weeks. Last night I had to hide. I had to rest and escape. It didn’t feel good, but I needed it.

I got up this morning and took my yoga mat into a chilly drizzle to return to my Wim Hof Breathing: 3 repetitions of 30 intentional breaths with retention on the 30th exhale. The rain picked up as I worked through the rounds. I felt healing and cleansing as I prayed and mentally recited affirmations.

I haven’t done daily breathing or journaling in months, maybe a year. It works so well to clear and focus my mind that I take my improved state for granted and drop my practice.

Back to it. I’ve worked very hard to position myself for the opportunites and possibilities that are coming to fruition. I’m returning to my daily disciplines to continue to fuel my growth.

We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
-Romans 8:28

I not take this verse to mean material prosperity or temporal happiness. I take it as an affirmation of His promise of Heaven for those who believe in the Highest. With our eyes toward Heaven, we can see God’s good at work and direct our whole lives toward it.

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