
In a world packed with stimuli, it can be hard to listen to God. Today, He didn’t give me a chance to miss the message.

I got into the car frustrated as my sons had dragged their feet and only half-heartedly helped on the tasks I needed complete for our adventures.

Westen asked to listen to something rogether and I stopped him, “No. You two aren’t listening to me and I don’t want to engage with you right now.” I put my earbuds in and rejoined the same podcast I posted about a couple days ago.

David Wolpe: Judaism

Per usual, it wasn’t five minutes before Westen was talking to me. I attempted patience and waited for my chance to say that I didn’t want to talk. He went on to talk about racism as discussed in the Bible.

The conversation in my ear had turned to tribalism in the Torah and today.

Okay God, I get it, thanks.

I pulled the earbuds out and heard the rest of Westen’s ideas. I added a couple examples of stories from the New Testament and Isaac gladly joined the conversation.

I am consistently impressed by my son’s minds. They listen keenly and question right down to the principles. I don’t take much credit for this, God sent me these free thinkers to challenge and embolded my faith.

I thank God for knowing that sometimes I need to be knocked back into loving engagement with those around me.