Tiger in a Cage

Widowhood has taught me about my body. I have learned how much emotion and energy I carry in all parts of my body. When I don’t work that energy in physical ways, my whole system feels backed up and tight to the world.

This week has had a lot of soccer with some yoga and jiu-jitsu and the usual rough housing with my sons. These usually come in the evening after various combinations of church, Lego club, home education meet up, and field trip.

There’s a limit, but I need this pace. I have energetic boys, but I need time for me to work on my body. This morning during yoga I laughed and cried. I love hot vinyasa because I sweat like I have a condition and the tears are hidden as I slowly move through the posses. Soccer and jiu-jitsu are escapes from my anxieties, yoga allows me to feel. I always open my practice with a thankful prayer to Jesus and a request to help me heal and learn all that I can stand. God is good and always delivers.