365 Devotionals: Plans

Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed; Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David.
-Ruth 4:21-22

God works through the generations and we work today. It seems impossible. Both the past and future are unknowable and we can barely perceive our immediate reality.

Trust is the main action of faith. I trust that God has a plan. When I am living most presently is when I feel in line with that plan. Fighting against it or being distracted from the flow of the plan causes detachment and suffering.

Intention on the present needs constant renewal. Distractions are many and ego has devilish manner.

I spent time with friends in the woods today. We were present for each other as we each experience transitions in life.

Maybe it’s only been a week or two, but I’ve missed this connection with other parents. Renewal can come from many places. I am grateful to God for these present friends and their gifts of attention.

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