Soccer Beat Me Up

And so did these kids.

After Sunday’s soccer I was hobbling around and more achy than usual. I didn’t think too much of it. I play hard and the bruises are inevitable. I heal quickly and my body soon craves more movement.

This week was different. It didn’t feel like an especially punishing game, but I was sore for days. I rested and abstained from jiu-jitsu and yoga. On Wednesday I had a wrestling match with these boys. They’re getting strong and I think six of them joined in at one point. That didn’t speed my healing, but I need this kind of activity.

I returned to yoga and jiu-jitsu today. It was a lot and I didn’t train as long as I had planned. I try to know my limits and stop when I need.

I’ll take another break before soccer on Sunday. I can’t stop for too long.