Potter for the Win

When my boys encountered a puzzle contest at the library, I wouldn’t let them use the internet since I knew the answer could be found in the stacks.

The puzzle was a shredded copy of a Harry Potter (that much was obvious from many of the visible proper nouns) book in a clear plastic barrel. This volume had been banned in certain places and the puzzle was to figure out the title of the book.

The boys asked me to look up which Potter book had been banned, but since we had read all of them, I knew we could find out for ourselves.

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A couple of the names narrowed our guesses to the last couple installments. We found copies of those books and started to compare. Ultimately, we spotted some fragments of chapter headings and compared them to the two tables of contents. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows matched two headings and we had our guess.

Our correct choice won us a car load ticket to Winterthur’s Drive-In Movie Weekend. It was an easy choice to go for the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone showing tonight.

My girlfriend and I walked the grounds for an hour before we settled in for snacks and hot chocolate during the feature.

It was a beautiful night from our close encounters with two bats in the woods to the chilly finale of the film.