The Best Friends

2020 rearranged relationships. Abandoning your friends was normalized and individuals retreated in fear.

In the homeschool community, I had one friend stand by me. “Us,” I should say. Brooke and her family continued to meet with me and mine. We looked a little crazy as the only ones at playgrounds with our kids, then the only ones sitting together when people did come out of their homes.

Brooke wanted to find more crazies. I thought we were the only ones.

I’ve never been so happy to be wrong. We have collected the weirdest bunch of free thinkers in our expanding community. The variety of social, religious, political, educational, nutritional, and many more perspectives is unheard of in any other group. There are moments of contention, but the drive to support each other and our children keeps us close.

God has blessed me with these folks.