Where the Angels Ever Sing

This would have been Mary’s first Easter as a Christian and member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She was very patient with me as I took the long path to Salvation. She just led the way, showed me what it was to live like a Christian before we made any promises.

We had attended Aldersgate for a couple years and enjoyed the variety and energy of the community. We volunteered in small ways and engaged in their fun social events, but I had an obstacle that prevented me from being ready for baptism. I couldn’t identify my problem directly and felt stuck. Right around this time I was invited to join a new men’s Bible study organized through the church. As He had done so many times before, God offered me another baby step towards Him. Mary is the one who made it happen. She was our master scheduler and ensured that I attended as many of these weekly meetings as possible. She was naturally in tune with God and effortlessly did His work on Earth.

I finally spent time with God’s word: reading, listening, and discussing. I was surprised at the excitement I felt on academic, spiritual, and psychological levels. (If you’re unsure if “faith” is right for you, listen to Jordan Peterson’s Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories lecture series.) It wasn’t real time, but at a certain point I realized that I believed in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I had seen God in the natural world from an early age. I had known I wasn’t just lucky, that the Holy Spirit had been working through me for some purpose for years. But I didn’t know Jesus Christ until I spent time with the Word. Seems stupid now, how in the world would I get to know someone without listening to him? However stupid I was, I’m confident I know less now. But, at least, I know a couple very important things.

Mary’s there with Him now. Free of this awful, suffering world. Being patient with me again, peacefully waiting for me to join her. I don’t know when my work here will be done, but I know the reward of eternal life will be that much sweeter knowing Mary is there.

Thank you and God bless,
