30 More Days, Please

I’m the stubborn type. I welcome change and improvement, but I can be terribly cautious about both.

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In addition to continuing with Amy McCready’s If I Have to Tell You One More Time…:; Hal Edward Runkel’s Screamfree Parenting; and a host of self-improvement podcasts, books, groups, and friends, I’m dedicating a portion of each of the next 30 days to Sheila McCraith’s Orange Rhino Challenge.

McCraith challenged herself to 365 days without yelling. I’m going to be more modest and start with 30.

Acknowledgement is the focus of Day 1. Check. I know I have a problem and I know I can’t afford to ignore it or keep it secret anymore. There is another revelation on Day 1 that I appreciate: audience. I have little shame raising my voice in front of strangers, friends, and family, but I don’t go into the screaming rage when others are watching. Why do I think it is okay for my young sons to see this monster? I have to behave as I feel, that they are my most important audience. At a recent Mindful Parent Support meeting, we talked about listening and prioritizing our children with our attention.

Since losing their mom, I’ve focused hard on listening to their memories and grief. I wonder what I’ve missed by not listening to their screen time requests, sibling conflict details, and seemingly inconsequential upsets.

I’m rededicating myself to my children’s well being.

 God bless,