Good Enough

Two days ago I wrote about not feeling good enough. Then I wrote about a woman who I never felt like I was enough for. I felt shame for not being more than I am.

I’ve been flooded with messages from God that I am enough.

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“What if my gold be wrapped up in ore?”

That’s from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. It’s about discarding the things that don’t serve you and focusing on the truth. I believe that we cover our gold in ores of self doubt and fear of truth.

This morning, during my intentional breathing and meditation, I felt and envisioned that ore falling away, leaving only gold.

Later in the morning, at a Martin Luther King, Jr. service opportunity, the volunteers were graced with performances from Jea Street, Jr. and Nadja Nicole. Nicole sang the Esperanza Spalding song, “Black Gold.” She prefaced it with a message that each of us was good enough.

I spent nearly four hours pulling at ivy and doing my part to beautify the new home of One Village Alliance in Wilmington. It was simple, gratifying work.

After the work and some rest, I got myself to my first jiu-jitsu class in months. A skin infection had side-lined me and I was terrified to restart my nascent journey. That’s the way journeys go, they can be interupted just as they begin.

I survived the class and walked away feeling the accomplishments of showing up and being excited to return.

I am good enough. I feel God in my daily life. He fills me up when I am empty. He sends me these messages and offers me opportunities to share my gifts with the world.